
  • 1.4.17:
    • data2rst_enhanced: remove empty columns + minor speed ups

    • make public and add CutsResizer class to dashutils

  • 1.4.16
    • data2rst_enhanced: remove empty lines

    • html2rst uses more fast and robust conversion in some cases

    • html2data: spans detection improvement

  • 1.4.15
    • create completely new implementations of data2rst: data2rst_v2/data2rst_enhanced

  • 1.4.14
    • data2rst
      • speed up some cell properties

  • 1.4.13
    • move dashtable.utils logic to dashtable.dashutils

  • 1.4.12
    • import fixes

  • 1.4.11
    • data2rst
      • fix case when sometimes successful result recognizes as infinite loop

      • add arguments candidates_mask_creator and checked_mask_creator with an ability to select and even implement custom versions to speed up data2rst merge step

      • create DATA_TABLE, DATA_SPANS aliases and use them in many places

      • some functions refactor

      • substantial speed up of get_output_column_widths, get_output_row_heights, table_cells_2_spans functions

  • 1.4.10
    • spans fixes

  • 1.4.9
    • merge_all_cells function (data2rst part) substantial speed up

    • fixes on spans format

  • 1.4.8
    • same fix as 1.4.7 but for LEFT and RIGHT

  • 1.4.7
    • fix merge_cells error on complicated TOP and BOTTOM cases

  • 1.4.6
    • add requirements.txt required to be installed on the package installation (all deps were optional and required to be installed manually on demand)

    • fix tests

    • substantial code and documentation reorganization

    • automatic tests

  • 1.4.5